"How about this...? Hey NUTSACK! Only YOU can prevent forest fires..."
Bobo spews Gatorade in surprise. He then wheels on the TV and stares at the image on the screen. After a few seconds study, he turns to face the camera.
Hello, my intended...
I could only HOPE that the people in the Witness Relocation Program were THIS incompetent... This pleases me. If you ARE who we THINK you are, then we're going to LIKE it here... If you're NOT who we think you are, we're STILL going to like it here, but you'll be sacrificed in vain. Bummer.
So, you wanna try to pull THAT card, do you? Fine. Assuming you ARE the feeble little finster-on-the-run that managed to keep from being killed TWICE through outside intervention, let me just remind you of this...
THIRD times the CHARM.
This definitely lends creedence to the Existence of God Theory... Would that it were so... Horsegoes Neige, allow me to add a smidge of education to your pitiful attempt to prove yourself otaku... There is no plural for any noun in Japanese... Ever. Thus, no TRUE otaku would ever be a fan of 'mangas', as to a true otaku, there's no such thing. This, of course, proves you to be a poseur - but I digress.
You think watching Speed Racer makes you an anime fan? It is to laugh. What's the gimmick you're babbling about here? Wasted Childhood? Vicarious Social Acceptance Through Television? Some fat freak from the Simpsons that spends his days off from the comic book store WRESTLING? That might fly in the sticks, but so does Cowtipping... Funny thing though, is that once something BETTER comes along, cowtipping loses some of its appeal... The same will be said of you... POSTHUMOUSLY.
Now, since I've got to face this wifebeater named after a porno theater to show the fans that the higher-ups here CAN recognize talent when it falls out of the sky, I suggest in honor of the bloody swatch I will tear through what passes for a ROSTER here, they rename BOB to BLOB.
Bring Lots Of BODYBAGS.
The Angel of Death Most Exalted is IN...
Watch OUT.
Verbal abuse provided by Bobo Fiendish...
You're welcome... See you SOON.